This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 13, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the "convert" button. To show Pounds Sterling and just one other currency click on any other currency.
Pound Sterling is the currency in Channel Islands (Aldernay, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark), Isle of Man, and United Kingdom (England, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, UK, GB, GBR).
Pound Sterling is also known as the British Pound, the United Kingdom Pound, UKP, STG, the English Pound, British Pound Sterling, BPS, and Sterlings.
Pound Sterling is divided into 100 pence.
The exchange rate for Pound Sterling was last updated on March 12, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund.
The GBP conversion factor has 6 significant digits.
77 comments about Pounds Sterling conversion
Currency Conversion Comments
great site and keeps up to date!!
A great resource and reference. Thanks
Excellent reference site will use, as needed in the future, I highly recommend the site.
Thanks for such a usefule site
Very impressed
Great Site
its an excellent way to know the currency of each countries...very impressive source...keep on updating on time to time
It is one of the best sites of the world
Best site that I have ever found.....
it is really helpful to me lot
It's really important & Useful site , specially for them who have to travel frequently. Its also state the status of Particular country's economy.
Never seen before, really a good work done, remarkable
This is a friendly and simple conversion screen that is real cool.
I especially like the conversion of metal prices. Makes me feel like I'm a big player in commodities just reading the price of an ounce of copper
Very handy rate information for me to use while helping a friend with thier taxes.
couldnt have been better then this!!!!! gr8 stuff.....
Really good work. Much helpful for the foreigners at UK to keep in touch of what their home money worths for GBP
I thank you very much.
In agreement with above comments--simple, fast, easy to use!
..beter than i could imagine..great job people!
thanx keep updating the site
Realy a excellant design. It is simple,fast and easy to know the currency conversion value. Very Goodside.
Very handy
No need to spend time looking around to find something better. This is great. Thanks a lot.
Does anyone know a site where you can put hypothetical figures in to figure out conversion rates, %'s, inflation rates etc...
This site is great for actual conversions.
absolutely excellent site - thanks
Do you have any idea how I could find out what 100 thousand pounds in 1870 would be worth today? Is there such a thing as a currency convertor which moves with the times? I can't seem to find such a thing on the web.
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Damn good site, so easy and so convenient, have saved it on my desk top for daily usage. Thanks a lot
Put in the figures and up pops the answers, wonderful.
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Keeps me in the know so I know how much I'm paying when I order things.
You guys are a life saver
Fast, Easy and usefuil
you cant find what currency you want because everything is crammed together and not explained
Its simply superb
The all currencies functionality is just superb. Like a one stop shopping Centre. Great Work. Thanks
I'm Brazilian and i'm trying to sale my 30 pounds sterling, but this pounds I can't change for Reais here in Brazil, because it's from Scotland. The year of this notes is 2003.
If you know who can change for me,send me a e-mail!
I really liked this site where one could not only get the currency converted into his native currency but also that of a number of currencies of different countries from across the globe.On top of it I find it to be regularly updated and thats the beauty of this comprehensive site. Thanks for this wonderful facility.
If only everthing else in life was so reliable...
very effecient and quite handy
Amazing! I just put in a number and BANG! everything comes up in less than a sec!
i would like to know how to convert from the Euro and sterling into american dollars
Why it cannot cvonvert British Pounds to US Dollar??
Not very helpful as I was wanting to convert euros to pounds sterling on Sept 11 2006 and Jan 10 2007.
excellent site. Instand conversion from Australian dollars to pound sterling and of course other currences. Found it most useful to work out costs of ebay purchases from abroad. Thank you.
Excellent site for quick converting and rapid finder for the Currencies of different countries. High speed, very useful and prompt tool.
Fast and easy
It is realy such a awesome site, it really helps me out to find out exact fig
This is a superp page. The concept is good and i support this kind of page
Lets say a certain amountof money its been in a british bank since 1732. How do i know much could it probably be now with all the interest raised if it exist?
It helps me every time and every day!
It is a very useful component for knowing the all currencies equivalent for pounds.
i am rich hahahaha
We've been looking for something like this for ages. Many thanks
This is one of the best site i have ever seen in ma life!
Fantastic! It help me understand and quick money coverting. Very good job.
Excellent site very user friendly supper fast to convert, best site i have found on internet will pass on to all i work with
I am trying to convert 255.7 to the american dollar
Thank you so very much. It's great!
Good work. Please add currency symbols , if U can
This is the only web site I have seen which converts all most all the currencies at same time to look at.
i want to know differance between paki rupees and england pound
£300 waht country this value belong and convert to us in 100 dollar is how much
Great help. Will be using again.
A very useful conversion tool. It would be helpful if one could also obtain historical values, e.g., the average value of the pound sterling in dollars for each year from 1950 to 2006.
this site is the best money converter!
its very good and applicable
Easily the quickest, most covenient and most accurate site I have seen. Superb.
This is an awesome site! I love it. ^-^ It's helpful in almost every which way - it helped me complete a project in which converting currencies in to another one was needed. Thanks! =D