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This Indian Rupee and United States Dollar convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 12, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Indian Rupee. Use "Swap currencies" to make United States Dollar the default currency. Click on United States Dollars or Indian Rupees to convert between that currency and all other currencies.
The Indian Rupee is the currency in India (IN, IND). The United States Dollar is the currency in American Samoa (AS, ASM), British Virgin Islands (VG, VGB, BVI), El Salvador (SV, SLV), Guam (GU, GUM), Marshall Islands (MH, MHL), Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia, FM, FSM), Northern Mariana Islands (MP, MNP), Palau (PW, PLW), Puerto Rico (PR, PRI), United States (United States of America, US, USA), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC, TCA), Virgin Islands (VI, VIR), Timor-Leste, Ecuador (EC, ECU), Johnston Island, Midway Islands, and Wake Island. The United States Dollar is also known as the American Dollar, and the US Dollar. The symbol for INR can be written Rs, and IRs. The symbol for USD can be written $. The Indian Rupee is divided into 100 paise. The United States Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The exchange rate for the Indian Rupee was last updated on March 12, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the United States Dollar was last updated on March 12, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The INR conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The USD conversion factor has 6 significant digits. Large amounts of Rupees are expressed in lakh rupees or crore rupees. A Lakh Rupee is one hundred thousand rupees and a crore rupee is ten million rupees.
Currency Conversion Comments
This site is really helpful. And it is easy to use too.
Great work!
I wish to know whether this calculator works on considering the current (which changes day by day) currency status or it works on a fixed currency conversion factor.
Yes, this foreign exchange calculator is constantly updated with the current exchange rate.
I have been using the page in all my correspondence for the exact conversion rates.
I would like to know - does this FE calculator work on basis of daily updates on foreign exchange rates and/or the foreign exchange rates are updated more than once in a given 24-hour period?
its an easy and accurate convertor, with many user friendly options as well as technical data, kudos to stephen
Different type of websites for forex & why do the differ from their rates??
& on grounds or in bank the rates are quiet good??why is it so??
I believe this converter is quite accurate.
I have added the link to my Favourites
How to convert INR into Million USD.
e.g. 450 Crore = ..... Million USD
What to now what is sell rate and buy rate.when i went to bank today they said 1$=Rs46.64,i had to send $2500 to united states,according to this site $2500= rs 111650.1 ,but i paidRs 117256.
This is so helpful!!!!!!!! I found out how many rupees I have!!!!!!!! It was easy, also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a very useful utility provided on the internet with the updated current exchange rate.
this converter is the best ever I have seen!
it givesinformation foreign exchange rates and it is teachable.
This site was very useful in helping me prepare a research article.
This converter is really very helpful to me.
Good Job to the creater!!
its a good site
even i added it to my favourites
Its realy helping me to import items from other continent so i can find the exact figure in INR. Its in my favorite list.Kudos to the developer
Currency converter is a really helpful tool for NRI's. Why don't you display the selling rate(as of today) after converting?
My humble suggestion to improve further.
Thanks a lot,
If You want to convrt USD into INR thru a mediator currency then conversion rate is matching with direct conversion rate.
e.g. 1 USD = 46.10 INR ( Direct)
1 USD = 35.3 /0.77 =45.84 INR ( thru Libiyan dinar)
Its reallllly good site, all currencies conversion at one place. Simply Good-one
i agree this coverter is too good, though, it could be much much better if there is an option for defining buying and selling currency
This seems accurate and is very convienent. Thank you,
it helps u to be in flow if working on some foreign ccy project.
Its so simple!! Makes all calculations so easy that travelling overseas can be planned well.
Its a very useful site,it has made my work very comfortable
i want convert one million us dollars to indian rupee
this currency converter is the best and easy to use..
I can say this site is very useful !!
Direct Page will give you the accurate result..
Its having wide options and easy functioning.
Very useful tool. Hats-off to the developer..
this is very good side to see the currency convert.
this is a good site hope....... ppl like this kind of easy way to convert money its help to buy things online. nice one
Its very helpfull...got the info i am looking for in a second..!!
convert 6.5 million dollors to indian value
Really site is very informative...hats off to the ppl who has built this site.
I found this side from google.com. And i found my answer from this side. I found very pleasantness for used this side.
And it si veryhelpful and i thought this side may gave benefits to other persons.
Good stuff
I find the conversion in this site is very useful and displaying quick result.
Very Useful. Great Job
no complicating procedure.
simple method.
make it 4 all countries currency.
It is very much easy to get the info in a fraction of second.
best way of thinking,it's useful to all business and comman people.Nice job do more like this.Thanks for your effort
This tool is really useful and also very easy to work with...Great job done by the developer!!!!!!!
Its so simple!! Makes all calculations so easy.this is a good site, this kind of easy way to convert money its help to buy things online. nice one
the conversion of Indian rupee in million to USD is not given...pl add
We all must be grateful to this wonderful site. Everyone can convert the value just in 'one click' in which he/she wishes to change the same. It abridges the difficulties which we faces prior to this to get the correct value.
seems to be accurate and easy to operate. found it very useful...
This is site is really helpful but it shows
only dollar amount not other values like i need to know about 1 cent, 5 cent and quarter dollar . how i convert this value in indian currency.
Please reply.
This is the converter mill rather than a Coin Mill!!!
Great work.
This site is wonderful as it gives quite a relevent information of currency conversion in a matter of few seconds.... Great Job done!!!
Really cool work
kindly provide buying and selling rate also
just keep doing the good job.....
Great Job Guys!
nice site !
very helpful in currency conversion.
Very useful stuff...Very easy to use... Very good work...
It would be great, if the converter shows seperately like Buying and Selling >
this helped me out alot.
very good way of converting the rates
the site is damn easy and fast...currency conversion was never as easy..
Hey! Great web site.
Quite helpful & user friendly!
Yaa, it's very nice utility provided through web and it made too user friendly to convert the currencies.
I like the chart type converter where one currency converted to other currencies order bye the countries.
Good Job! Wishing Happy Christmas To All!
In seconds my dollars were converted to rs. How awesomeious is tht! And its updated too!
this site is really useful...
great work....
This site is really useful.
I just wanna mention another add-on functionality. It would be fine if the user could customize the site to add the conversion rates to specific countries only.
i ever seen like this exchange rate in internet this one is helpful for me
This Web site is more reliable to use for currency conversions having Flexible and user friendly concepts
This currency converter is the very best and easy to use..
great work....
Great Job Guys...........!
could you tell me the doller value in rupee for three days back.
I find this website very reliable in providing accurate information on currency conversions especially from crores to millions and across a broad range of currencies
site is very easy to use and fast.
thank god.
This is a very used side for all the mans. And this is very essetial for all the student and all the professional person.
Hi Gr8
This stuff is really useful, but please avaialbe the download also.
Excellent tool DevelOped
i like to thank the people behinde this its simple and easy
This site has been a gr8 help.....hope to see more features.............Thanx
This site was very useful in helping me prepare a research article.
this is gr8 at work.........too gud
Easyily u can check when ur doing online shooping USD to Indian rupee
excellent currency conversion calculator
I think this is very usefull to all.
Quick Reference!
fantastic !
Wonderful !
Thanks a lot. It's working nice and easy to work with out confusion.
Great Work and very fast too unlike other sites which takes time
It will save lot of time to convert ruppe in to doller, if we have lot of data. This is very helpful.
i want to know about the value of 1 cent in us $
This is a very used side for all. And this is very essetial for all Mans.
Good Job..........
There was a comment above with heading Buy rate and Sell rate that shows the difference between the amount this site displayed and the actual amount that the person had to pay. It would be great if i can get some insight into the cause of this difference. Else the experience on this site is really good.
It's very good website for check with in seconds thanks
The site owners are doing a good job thank you very much
This is great to have such a wonderful and helpful website on the net. It really helps a lot. Best of Luck
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The best thing about this site is, it is very very user friendly and fast.
nice software...with constant upgradation..
this is gr8 at work.........too gud
Its a very easy to use and helpful site... I am really happy by its work
Instantly bookmarked...
Has an easy interface.
Very useful
Hats Off to you.
There should be more sites like this
This is Nice. It help me with my homework.
i wondering when i saw Conversation of one Currency into multiple at a second
who will give this conversion rate :
eg on march 1,07 I USD= 44.23 INR, but nobody will give u this rate , I want to sell USD, who will give me this rate
First time I used this site. It iiiiiiis amazing.
Fantastic Site
Fastest Method
X Lent
Amazing !
Just liked it to the core..
keep it Up...
can this site provide more conversions such as conversion of indian rupees into yen or euro or pounds
thanks to this site. it has made conversion so very easy.
i just couldnt find any other site as easy and accessible as this one.
thank you!
Becky :)
its very easy to convert the currencies and very easy to find the particular currency in various currency rates.Wow its wonderful.
I am going to send some money to india! They asked for a certain number of rupees and i didnt know what to do! I LOVE THIS SITE!
I can it is very time saving site & providing a quick & accurate information. Its Really Wonderful
this is first time i am using this site..... and it is wonder......a quick ref can me made
its very usefull for people like buesmen
This is great to have such a wonderful and helpful website on the net. It really helps a lot. Best of Luck
Excellent features.
i want to transfer us $200,000 to indian rupees without loosing too much in foreign exchange conversion. can you please tell me who has the best rate to send the money to india? thanks.
It is reale wonderful to use it with the purpose of deciding moves in international currency trade.
kool stuff easy to convert......
i need to know the USD to INR conversion rates on 16/12/2004, 24/11/2004 & 21/11/2004. can sumbody guide me of any site frm where authentic information in this regard can be obtained on internet
This is a superb tool....
Very user friendly....
Wonderful... :-)
Really good site dudes.. Keep up the good work...
are you kidding?
What a site???
Any one and everyone will know better...
thanks to who create such sitein few seconds u know whats the rate...
thanks again..
EASY AND SIMPLE, but where is the conversion ratio Displayed
One get all the countries cunrrency value in one go. Smart, quick and compact.
this site really helps me a lot..
Dear All
This is the best site,through which I make money in India by staying in canada.
It saves time and gives you the exact conversion reta
Its really easy to use,it helps a lot man
how can i find inward remittance rate.
Wonderful job for quick reference to convert into US Dollar.
itz alwayz a hard task to know the real value of something... especially when the ratez are changing... Me along with the other userz of this site, really understand the value of COINMILL too... we really appreciate your hardwork... hatsoff to U buddy...
In the first time itself, this is a really catchy sight. Hard to miss folks.
I will always use it for similar needs.
Keep up the good work 'coinmill guys'
This site is really very helpful and no other site provides this type of easiest facility to convert amount as this site has... any ways guyz keep it up..
First time i am use this site for my convertion .. its very usefull for all
every thing in one site is fantastic
i need the buy and sell rates of us dollars in india urgent
Its a wonderful & appriciatble job done by the maker of this site. Just need to give us little more information about the selling & buying rates of the currencies also.